Ajmeri viimasel õhtul küsisin õhtusöögi ajal Renult, et kas ta teab soovitada mõnda üldtugevdat indiapärast rohtu. Mille peale Bahnu tõi köögist ühe purgikese tumeda möksiga ja teatas, et see on chyawanprash, mida ta ise iga päev sisse võtab. Kiitis väga – tugevdab immuunsüsteemi, on kokku segatud kõiksugu kasulikest taimedest. Ta andis ka proovida – mõnus hapukas maitse. Just seda mul vaja oligi! Läksime Terjega kohe ostutuurile meie lähiümbrusse. Ületasime kartmatult Ajmeri peatänava (taktika: ole sihikindel ja häirimatu nagu lehm) ja käisime läbi kaks apteeki, näidates paberilehele kirjutatud keerulist rohu nime. Apteegipidajad oskasid kõik lugeda ja pakkusid meile soovitud ainet erinevates pakendites. Tahtsin osta sama firma toodet, mis Bhanul oli. Selle leidsime lõpuks Bhanu kodukommuuni haigla lähedasest apteegist (vt.fotot). Ostsime selle mõnusalt segamini rohtudega apteegi chyawanprashist tühjaks (s.t. 2 purki neil oligi). Olin väga rahul. Edasine sündmuste käik oli selline, et ega meil ei avanenudki muid võimalusi apteekide külastamiseks. Nii et väga hea, et kohe ära ostsime. Tõsi, üks võimalus avanes veel, Delhi lennujaamas, kus on väga hea Ayurveda apteek. Aga kui sinna jõudsin, olid mul juba kõik ruupiad ära kulutatud.
Mina tõin oma purgikesed Eestisse, Terje pidi oma purgi loovutama Londoni lennujaama turvakontrollile, sest unustas selle oma käsipagasisse. Terje tegi asjast järelduse, et ju tal seda imerohtu vaja polegi.
Tallinnasse jõudes oli India tõmme veel nii tugev, et kohe esimesel päeval läksin linna peale ja käisin läbi kõik idamaa kaupade poed, et üle vaadata, mida indiapärast siin müügil on. Vabaduse väljaku lähedases Jansuki poes avastasin oma suureks rõõmuks, et seesama chyawanprash on ka siin müügil! Tõsi küll, 10 korda kõrgema hinnaga kui Indias. Aga hea on teada, et kui purk tühjaks saab, siis on võimalik seda kasulikku rohtu kohe juurde osta.
Wikipedia kirjutab sellest turgutajast nii:
Chyawanprash, also spelled chyavanaprasha, chyavanaprash, chyavanaprasam and chyawanaprash, is an ancient Ayurvedic health tonic, widely used in India, as a rejuvenative, energizer and immunity booster. It is often called "the elixir of life" due to its numerous nutritional properties and benefit to the body.
Since many companies manufacture chyawanprash, the recipe may differ a bit. The number of herbs used in preparation of the paste varies from 25 to 80, but the main ingredient of all Chyawanprash should be amla. Other chief ingredients are dried catkins, cinnamon, asparagus, ashwagandha, turmeric, ghee (clarified butter), dehydrated sugar cane and honey. Amla (Indian Gooseberry) -- a fruit rich in Vitamin C and Pectin -- is the chief ingredient in Chyawanprash, particularly in the product sold by Dabur India Ltd. It was in the 1940s when Dabur adopted the original Ayurvedic chyawanprash formula and created the largest selling branded Chyawanprash in India. Dabur Chyawanprash still strictly follows the original recipe that was laid down centuries ago and its properties still remain the same.
The best-known brand for chyawanprash is Dabur, it include the ingredients:
Fresh Amla fruit (Indian gooseberry)
Long pepper (Piper longum)
Giant potato (Ipomoea mauritiana, or Kiribadu Ala)
Indian kudzu
Winter cherry (or Ashwaghanda)
Cinnamon bark
Dashmool (Bengal quince, migraine bark, Indian trumpet flower, Purple snake tree or Indian purple trumpet, Sal leaf bush, Urara pitch, Indian nightshade, Small nightshade, Small caltrops, Cashmere bark)
Wild green gram
Wild black gram
Feather foll plant (or Bhumiamalaki)
Chebulic myrobalan
Round zedoary
Spreading hogweed (Boerhavia diffussa)
Malabar nut (Seed of Adhatoda vasica)
Cobra's saffron (or Nagkesar or Indian Rose Chestnut
Note: These benefits are as mentioned in the Ayurvedic texts and manufacturers' ads. Many of these benefits may have not been proven scientifically.
Chyawanprash is a rejuvenative and protects the body against three kinds of doshas.
Regular intake of Chyawanprash strengthens digestion, absorption and assimilation of food. It eases constipation.
Chyawanprash's basic ingredient amla is the richest natural source of Vitamin C . Ascorbic acid , commonly known as vitamin C is known to benefit the immune system and helps fight againt common cold and respiratory infections.
Chyawanprash is also beneficial to the heart and the brain cells. It is considered a memory booster.
It also works as an antioxidant, thus slowing down the aging process.
It is believed that Chyawanprash purifies blood, eliminates toxins and is beneficial to liver.
It is also said to fight bacterial skin infections and improve complexion.
It promotes absorption of calcium, leading to stronger bones and teeth.
It also improves muscle tone by enhancing protein synthesis.
It enhances fertility and keeps menstruation regular.
Very educational!